Gypsy Moon Ball Site

Gypsy Moon Ball 2011 is almost entirely at Zion Evangelical United Church of Christ (site of 2010’s Friday night dance).
Susan Moffett and Kathy Anderson will call contra dancing there Friday night, Saturday afternoon & night, and Sunday afternoon, to music by Changeling and the Coffee Zombies.

We also have a large hall for snacking, jamming, and socializing, a beautiful wood floor classroom for Saturday afternoon workshops, multiple restrooms for changing and . . . and a balcony with space for a dress swap, vendors, and watching the dancers!

Saturday afternoon sessions include advanced/experienced contra, Lindy Hop, beginning & intermediate waltz, and a music leader session on open bands, jamming, and how to add special touches, like alternate chord progressions.

On Sunday morning, we’ll waltz at Earth House, site of our weekly contra dances, just a couple of blocks from Zion.
Zion is just across the street from the Murat Theatre (now officially Old National Theatre); we’ve rented the entire church parking lot (except for Sunday morning) so there’s no competition with theater-goers. Just tell the attendant that you’re there for Gypsy Moon Ball.
Registration, directions, and other info are on our GMB 2011 page.