NO 1/8 contra :(
Chuch maintenance schedule has been adjusted; they anticipate more time needed, so we next dance on January 29, 2013....
Important upcoming 2013 info: We can’t dance January 1, 8, 15, or 22. We will dance January 29. Board elections will be in February. At...
12/25 and 1/1/2013
Don’t forget and accidentally come dancing on Christmas or New Year’s. You’ll certainly be welcome at church or other downtown activities, but there won’t be...
We’ll contra dance Tuesday, 12/18 to music by Pinenuts (Dianna Davis, Mario Joven, Dmitri Alano, and Steve Johnson) with David Ernst calling. Wear something festive,...
61st Pl. Project with Jonathan Sivier calling. For extra fun, come to the board meeting before the dance, or bring a friend....