We’ll contra dance Tuesday, 12/18 to music by Pinenuts (Dianna Davis, Mario Joven, Dmitri Alano, and Steve Johnson) with David Ernst calling. Wear something festive, bring a snack, bring friends and relatives!
This is our last dance of 2012. No contra for us on Christmas Day or New Year’s.
This might be a good time for a drive (or not, weather depending): our friends in Bloomington dance every Wednesday no matter what, and every 5th Saturday, including December 29th! There will be a New Year’s Eve dance in Cincinnati (potluck at 6, dancing 8 – 1 a.m.) and Jan Jam in Urbana, IL, on Friday & Saturday January 4th & 5th.
Join us again January 8, 2013 after which we take another 2 week break. The church is doing maintenance and we will skip the 15th and 22nd, then start again January 29, 2013.