Elections coming up
Indy Contra has one Membership Meeting each year, and this year it’s scheduled for the last dance in February, on the 28th. (Everyone’s always welcome to the monthly board meetings too.) We’ll elect three members to the board. Please email indycontra@gmail.com if you want to run. The ballot must (per bylaws) be announced by February 14th.
We will also vote on amendments to the bylaws, primarily intended to reflect new technological tools we use to communicate with dancers and potential dancers. When last revised, email was not as widely used, nor web pages, and there was no Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. We need, for instance, for this posting and an email sent to our google group and google announcements list to count as notifying people that there’s going to be a meeting. Suggested changes will be posted and distributed by February 14th.
The meeting is during the break, around 9 p.m., and usually takes 5 – 10 minutes.