Summer’s over.
Monday’s Labor Day. Summer’s over (even if equinox isn’t for a few weeks). Tuesday, 9/6/11 is a dancing day. Join us for Open Band with...
Sugar Hill
Contra dance from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. Friday night, & again on Saturday. Or hang out and jam, listen to jamming, swim, eat pizza...
contra to a Texas caller!
Join us August 30th to special guest caller Keith Tuxhorn, visiting from Austin, with music by Ennis Clare....
5th Wednesday = Game night!
August has a 5th Wednesday. So you know what that means…a game night! Lisa & James will be hosting it at Irvington Friends Meeting at...
Root Beer Floats
Ken & Carole Gall invite all dancers to their place after the dance on August 23rd. Ken & Carole will provide Root Beer float ingredients. ...
61st Pl. Project & Ryan Smith
August 23rd, stretch those dancing muscles, get ready for Sugar Hill (where people dance to 4 a.m.) contra dance in Indianapolis, music 61st Pl. Project,...
Contra at the Indiana State Fair!
On August 16, 2011, everyone’s invited to join us on the Clarian Dance for Health Stage at the Indiana State Fair. Music by Emily Ann...
time to register for Sugar Hill
If you’re attending Sugar Hill (and who isn’t?), Bloomington’s dance weekend on August 26 – 28, mail in your registration now to save $10. Admission...
Contra to a Maine/Cincinnati caller!
On August 9th we have a guest, Maine native, now living and dancing in Cincinnati, Dugan Murphy, making his debut on our calling stage. Music...